
At Darton Academy, Computing is taught with the aim of empowering young people to become good digital citizens with the skills and understanding to keep themselves safe online while learning the long-term implications of their digital footprints. We believe that all pupils deserve a computing curriculum which prepares them for the digital world they live in. Pupils at Darton will learn to become digitally literate; someone able to use a computer, develop their ideas and express their creativity through information technology. We teach our pupils to be logical thinkers with the knowledge and understanding to succeed in a digital world with a range of skills including computer programming, graphic design, and web design.

At KS4, pupils that choose to continue their study within the department follow a curriculum which supports them in achieving a qualification in iMedia. The iMedia curriculum enables pupils to investigate and create a wide variety of media formats, including using traditional platforms in addition to more modern digital media technologies.

The course is based around investigating and understanding the media industry. In practice, this means that pupils will analyse and explore different types of media texts, such as films, magazines, and websites, as well as making their own media products. They will learn to analyse from the theoretical Perspectives of Representation, Audience, Industry and Media Language.