Revision Strategies

EnvironmentStudents work best when they can revise in an area that is free of distractions. This could a be quieter area of the home or it could mean they do not have access to items that can distract them such as their phone.
EquipmentStudents should use equipment to aid their study rather than distract from the study itself. This could mean supporting your child to use technology purposefully or helping them use stationery to aid production and organisation.  
Time ManagementWe will encourage students to manage their time with a schedule for revision. This will enable them to prioritise their key areas of study whilst ensuring that they have time and space to relax and rest.
StylesWe recommend retrieval practice as this encourages students to not just to read through information but to test themselves on a frequent basis. You could assist this process by testing your child on the topics that they are working on. You can help your child by taking their notes and asking them to explain them to you; this process demonstrates your child’s ability to retrieve key information. For the most impact, it is best to use notes that haven’t just been produced during that revision session but notes from the day before, the week before or the month before.  
Managing stress and wellbeingStaff are always available to support young people manage their emotions that are linked to the assessment period. We encourage students to speak to their learning manager or form tutor in the first instance who can coordinate any support that is needed.
RoutineWe encourage a consistent and gradual approach to exam preparation which involves regular short breaks. A break after every 45 – 60 minutes is appropriate however students may wish to access smaller more frequent study slots of 20 – 30 minutes to aid motivation and stamina initially.  
DietDuring revision sessions, it is essential that students keep hydrated to support concentration. When students feel overwhelmed, they may reach for the wrong foods that give immediate satisfaction such as something high in sugar. Students may begin to restrict their diet owing to a loss of appetite related to stress. It is important to help your child by encouraging a healthy and balanced diet.  
Worked ExamplesStudents may wish to access past papers or mark schemes as part of their self-study. This can give a greater understanding of the assessment criteria so that they are able to tailor their responses to achieve all marks available. Staff will be supporting with this technique in school.

9 best study tips

Revision flash cards

How to mind map

How to beat exam stress.